The Online Source For Lobbyist Information.


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The First Comprehensive Database of Lobbyists

LobbyLinx is designed to be your starting point for finding a lobbyist. With a simple click you
can search for lobbyists by subject area, state, client list and more.

Your Source for Lobbyist Information

LobbyLinx lobbyists profiles provide the areas of expertise, biographies, success stories,
accolades, client lists and more of hundreds of lobbyists. Whether at the state capitol or in our
Nation's Capitol, LobbyLinx can help you find the right advocate for your organization.

Best of all -- LobbyLinx is Free

LobbyLinx is free to search, review and contact. No user fees, No finder fees or contact fees.


The First Comprehensive Database of Lobbyists

LobbyLinx is designed to be your starting point for finding a lobbyist. With a simple click you can search for lobbyists by subject area, state, client list and more.

Your Source for Lobbyist Information

LobbyLinx lobbyists profiles provide the areas of expertise, biographies, success stories, accolades, client lists and more of hundreds of lobbyists. Whether at the state capitol or in our Nation's Capitol, LobbyLinx can help you find the right advocate for your organization.

Best of all -- LobbyLinx is Free

LobbyLinx is free to search, review and contact. No user fees, No finder fees or contact fees.