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Laura Boehmer brings a wide range of experience in local, state, and federal policy to Southern Strategy Group's Tampa Bay office. Having worked in and around government for over 16 years, Laura has assisted elected officials, community organizations, governments, and businesses in achieving their goals.

Prior to joining Southern Strategy Group, Laura served as the chief lobbyist for the City of St. Petersburg (City). Laura was responsible for all policy and appropriation issues. In that role, Laura directed the federal appropriations process for the City and succeeded in securing millions of dollars in federal grants and earmarks. In addition to her federal work for the City, Laura was also responsible for developing, strategizing, and advocating for the City's State Legislative Program and was also instrumental in the creation and implementation of the City's Sustainability Program.

In her role at the City, Laura served as staff for former Mayor Rick Baker in his roles as the Chairman of the Century Commission of a Sustainable Florida, Vice Chair of the Governor's Action Team on Energy and Climate Change, and Group Leader of Governor Crist's Transition Team. This experience gave Laura extensive exposure to numerous policy issues and the opportunity to build statewide relationships with political and business leaders.

Prior to working for the City, Laura served as legislative staff in the Florida House of Representatives. Laura also worked for a private lobbying firm representing clients on a wide variety of issues. Laura has staffed and volunteered on various campaigns and worked with a national corporation on nation-wide grass roots efforts to pass legislation. Having analyzed patterns of Congress and maintained PAC communications between a corporate government relations department and PAC members, Laura is well versed in the political efforts of both private and public sectors.

