(850) 671-4401
Po Box 10570, Tallahassee, FL, 32302-2570, 
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After a lengthy career as a policymaker in government and an administrative lawyer who litigated against government, Paul Bradshaw founded Southern Strategy Group in 1999. Paul's work often strayed from the arcana of policy to the less staid world of political campaigns. In the political realm, Paul worked on several successful statewide campaigns including Jeb Bush's first successful gubernatorial campaign. With a background in Florida government, Paul has dealt with a broad range of major public policy initiatives, including those directed at development, environmental protection, and public education.
Between 1986 and 1990, Paul served in the Martinez Administration as the chief cabinet aide to the Governor, the director of the state's growth management program, and as the director of the Office of Policy and Budget. In those roles Paul was instrumental in advancing Florida's environmental and growth management programs. In 1998, working with then-candidate Jeb Bush, Paul was instrumental in crafting the education plan that ultimately completely re-engineered the K-12 system in Florida. Paul frequently writes speeches for candidates and elected officials, and during the course of his career has authored inaugural addresses and State of the State speeches for three governors.
Paul's broad exposure to both the mechanics of government and bare-knuckled politics give him a rare ability to grasp the policy and political implications of lobbying issues.