909 Green Street, Harrisburg, PA, 17102, 
4) Altria Client Services LLC and its Affiliates
6) Antrim Investment Group, LLC
7) Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers
8) AT&T Inc.
10) Bounty Minerals
11) Byler Management
17) Christian School Association of Greater Harrisburg
18) Churchill Downs Incorporated
20) Coalition for Community Solar Access
21) College Board
22) Compass Learning
23) Concurrent Technologies Corporation
25) Dallas Area Fall Fair Inc. TA The Luzerne County Fair
30) First National Bank of Pennsylvania
31) G&F Realty
35) HeyTutor
38) Housing And Redevelopment Insurance Exchange
41) Kyndryl, Inc.
43) LIUNA Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizing Coalition
44) Local Union No. 1319 O.S.H.E.
45) Luzerne County Child Advocacy Center
47) Malt Beverage Distributors Association of PA
48) Martz Trailways
49) McCarthy Tire
50) Messiah Lifeways
52) Modern Treasury
56) PA Association for Justice
57) PA State Building & Construction Trades Council
58) Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals
59) Pennsylvania Cannabis Coalition
60) Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants
61) Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
62) Pennsylvania Trolley Museum Inc.
64) Philadelphia School District
67) Rikore, Inc.
69) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) of Luzerne County
71) Summit Realty Advisors, LLC
72) Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
73) Terrapin Investment Fund 1, LLC
74) The Lands at Hillside Farms
75) Ticket Network
76) Total Security International LLC
77) Valley Crest Real Estate, LP
78) Viatris Inc.
909 Green Street, Harrisburg, PA, 17102, 
4) Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers
10) Child USA
11) Christian School Association of Greater Harrisburg
12) College Board
17) First National Bank of Pennsylvania
18) FMP Realty LLC
22) HeyTutor
29) LIUNA Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizing Coalition
30) Local Union No. 1319 O.S.H.E.
31) Luzerne County Child Advocacy Center
33) Martz Trailways
34) Messiah Lifeways
35) MidPoint Group of Companies, Inc.
37) PA State Building & Construction Trades Council
39) Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals
40) Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
43) Rikore, Inc.
44) Sentiment AI
45) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) of Luzerne County
46) Summit Realty Advisors, LLC
47) Ticket Network
909 Green Street, Suite 101, Harrisburg, PA, 17102, 
3) Altria Client Services LLC and its Affiliates
5) Antrim Investment Group, LLC
7) Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers
8) AT&T Inc.
10) Bounty Minerals
11) Byler Management
17) Child USA
18) Christian School Association of Greater Harrisburg
19) Churchill Downs Incorporated
22) CNX Land LLC
24) Coalition for Community Solar Access
25) College Board
26) Compass Learning
27) Concurrent Technologies Corporation
29) Cumberland Historic Properties
33) Effective School Solutions
35) First National Bank of Pennsylvania
36) FMP Realty LLC
37) G&F Realty
41) HeyTutor
44) HomeAde, LLC
45) Housing And Redevelopment Insurance Exchange
46) Inch & Co
47) Indo-American Community of Scranton
50) Kimball Motion Analytics LLC
52) Kooth USA, LLC
54) Leading Youth For Excellence
56) LIUNA Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizing Coalition
57) Local Union No. 1319 O.S.H.E.
58) Luzerne County Child Advocacy Center
60) Malt Beverage Distributors Association of PA
61) Martz Trailways
62) McCarthy Tire
63) Messiah Lifeways
64) MidPoint Group of Companies, Inc.
66) Modern Treasury
68) New Birth of Freedom Council, Boy Scouts of America #544
70) PA Association for Justice
71) PA State Building & Construction Trades Council
72) Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals
73) Pennsylvania Beer Alliance
74) Pennsylvania Cannabis Coalition
75) Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants
76) Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
77) Pennsylvania Trolley Museum Inc.
79) Philadelphia School District
82) Rikore, Inc.
84) RVG Management and Development Co.
86) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) of Luzerne County
87) Summit Realty Advisors, LLC
88) Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
89) The Lands at Hillside Farms
90) Ticket Network
91) Total Security International LLC
92) Valley Crest Real Estate, LP
94) Viatris Inc.
95) Visit Hershey & Harrisburg Inc.
909 Green Street, Suite 101, Harrisburg, PA, 17102, 
5) Altria Client Services LLC and its Affiliates
7) Antrim Investment Group, LLC
9) Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers
10) AT&T Inc.
11) Aviat Networks
12) Bounty Minerals
13) Byler Management
20) Child USA
21) Christian School Association of Greater Harrisburg
22) Churchill Downs Incorporated
25) CNX Land LLC
27) Coalition for Community Solar Access
28) College Board
29) Compass Learning
30) Concurrent Technologies Corporation
33) Dallas Area Fall Fair Inc. TA The Luzerne County Fair
38) Effective School Solutions
40) First National Bank of Pennsylvania
41) FMP Realty LLC
42) G&F Realty
45) HeyTutor
49) Housing And Redevelopment Insurance Exchange
50) Inch & Co
53) Jewish Community Alliance of NEPA
54) Jewish Home of Eastern Pennsylvania
56) Kooth USA, LLC
57) Kyndryl, Inc.
59) Leading Youth For Excellence
60) LIUNA Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizing Coalition
61) Luzerne County Child Advocacy Center
63) Malt Beverage Distributors Association of PA
64) Martz Trailways
65) McCarthy Tire
66) Messiah Lifeways
67) MidPoint Group of Companies, Inc.
69) Modern Treasury
70) Mountain Springs Lake Resort LLC
72) New Birth of Freedom Council, Boy Scouts of America #544
74) Olivet Boys & Girls Club of Reading and Berks County
75) PA Association for Justice
76) PA State Building & Construction Trades Council
78) Pennsylvania Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals
79) Pennsylvania Beer Alliance
80) Pennsylvania Principals Association
81) Pennsylvania Society of Physician Assistants
82) Pennsylvania State Nurses Association
83) Pennsylvania Trolley Museum Inc.
85) Philadelphia School District
88) Rikore, Inc.
90) Sentiment AI
92) Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) of Luzerne County
94) Summit Realty Advisors, LLC
95) Takeda Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc.
96) Terrapin Investment Fund 1, LLC
97) The Lands at Hillside Farms
98) Ticket Network
99) Total Security International LLC
100) Valley Crest Real Estate, LP
101) Viatris Inc.
102) Visit Hershey & Harrisburg Inc.