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Melissa's bipartisan approach to advocacy before the Washington State Legislature and Office of the Governor has resulted in public policy improvements for her clients. She focuses on providing regulatory, legislative and political advice for her clients.

11-15 years

Melissa Gombosky is the principal lobbyist and owner of Gombosky Public Affairs. Melissa's bipartisan approach to advocacy before the Washington State Legislature and Office of the Governor has resulted in public policy improvements for her clients. In the 2020 legislative session Melissa lobbied on behalf of Microsoft to pass the first facial recognition policy in the United States. Her clients include Inland Empire Paper Company; Personal Care Products Council, The Washington State Dental Association, Association of American Publishers, Spokane, Central Valley, Evergreen, and Vancouver Public Schools, and Safelite Auto. Prior to her lobbying work, Melissa worked for the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. She is a graduate of Whitworth University and former English teacher. She participated in the Governor appointed Rwanda delegation as part of the Woman in Democracy program. She also serves on the boards of the Boys and Girls Club and Olympia Education Foundation in Thurston County. Melissa and her husband live in Olympia and have two college age sons. She recently completed her Master Scuba Diver certification and is now working toward her first professional scuba credential.

