1122 Colorado, Suite 102, Austin, TX, 78701, 
1) #1 A LifeSafer of Texas Interlock, Inc.
2) AmeriHealth Caritas Services, LLC
3) Amplio Learning Technologies Inc.
4) Asteria Learning Inc. dba ECS Learning Systems
5) Benchmark Education Company LLC
7) Celebrate Successful Early Learning
8) Cenikor
9) Centegix
13) FEV Tutor, Inc.
14) FinThrive Revenue Systems, LLC
15) Florida Virtual School dba FlexPoint Education
16) Geo-Comm, Inc.
17) High School E-Sports League, DBA Generation Esports
19) Learning Ally
20) Learning.com
23) National Guard Association of Texas
24) Private Providers Association of Texas
26) Safari Montage
29) Secure Passage
30) Smart Communications Holdings, Inc.
31) SmartPass Inc.
32) Strategos Public Affairs LLC
34) Texas Computer Education Association
35) Texas Council of Community Centers
36) Texas Probation Association
37) The Amos Group
1122 Colorado Street Suite 102, Austin, TX, 78701, 
1) Amplio Learning Technologies Inc.
2) Benchmark Education Company LLC
3) Centegix
6) Evergreen Presbyterian Ministries, Inc.
8) Florida Virtual School dba FlexPoint Education
10) Green Dot Public Schools - Southeast Texas
11) High School E-Sports League, DBA Generation Esports
13) Learning Ally