1) AARP Iowa
2) Blue Line Solutions
3) Campbell/Patterson Consulting LLP
4) Hills and Dales
5) Iowa Affiliate of the American College of Nurse-Midwives
6) Iowa Association of Area Agencies on Aging
7) Iowa Association of County Conservation Boards
8) Iowa Association of Rural Health Clinics
9) Iowa Behavioral Health Association (IBHA)
10) Iowa Chapter of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
11) Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault
12) Iowa Library Association (ILA)
13) Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation
14) Iowa Nurse Practitioners Society
15) Iowa Nurses Association
16) Iowa Primary Care Association
17) Iowa Psychological Association
18) Iowa Public Transit Association (IPT)
19) Iowa State Reserve Law Officers Association
20) Juvenile Detention Coalition of Iowa
21) League of Women Voters of Iowa
22) Link Associates
23) Loess Hills Alliance
24) Lutheran Services in IA, Inc.
25) Okoboji Tourism
26) On With Life, Inc.
27) Professional Developers of Iowa (PDI)
28) Rosecrance Health Network and its affiliate Rosecrance Jackson Centers
29) SafeNetRX
30) Systems Unlimited, Inc.