Eric Bugaile

( Pennsylvania )

Subjects: All Subjects


I am a contract lobbyist in Pennsylvania specializing in transportation and related industries. I have been heavily involved in every major transportation funding plan and legislation since 1991. I drafted and advised legislators on major portions of both the Pennsylvania Transportation Code (Title 74) and Vehicle Code (Title 75), as well as Capital Budgets for Transportation. I also worked closely with the State Government Committee staff in crafting the state RealID Compliance Act.


  • "Your commitment, your dedication, your knowledge, what you have helped members tackle in terms of the depth of the transportation issues in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, there is no one who has done what you have done...your service to all of the members -the Republicans and Democrats -to do what was good by the citizens of Pennsylvania has been unfailing. People, I think on both sides of the aisle, whenever issues come up in the transportation arena, always seek Eric Bugaile out-have always sought him out and continue to seek him out." - Mike Turzai, Former Pennsylvania House Speaker
  • "During your 32 years with the committee you oversaw many changes and many, many more proposals for change to our traffic laws, our highways and bridges statutes, railroad issues, mass transit issues, aviation concerns, pedestrian issues, bicycle and now electric scooters, and even autonomous vehicles. He was our liaison for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, for the Pennsylvania State Police, and for the Pennsylvania Turnpike," He said. "Eric wrote the legislation that became the young driver's graduated license law, which has probably saved many lives in our Commonwealth. He also oversaw many pieces of legislation on school bus safety regulations. He developed the motor carrier safety and inspection standards; created a task force to rewrite our drunk driving laws, our driving-under-the-influence laws; and he had a substantial part in developing the Public-Private Partnership Act. Eric was also instrumental in crafting Act 89, and that was probably one of the most comprehensive transportation funding packages in our history." - Tim Hennessey, House Transportation Chairman
  • "Eric deploys an encyclopedic knowledge of Pennsylvania transportation issues and savvy expertise in the workings of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives." - Peter Javsicas, Chairperson at Northwest Village Network
  • Clients

    1) AECOM

    2) AECOM Technical Services, Inc.


    4) Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders, Inc.


    6) Bicyclecoalitionofgreaterphiladelphia

    7) DVR Philly, LLC

    8) Interstate Gas Supply, Inc.

    9) James J. Anderson Construction Co. Inc.

    10) McCormick Taylor, Inc.

    11) Pa Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Inc.


    13) Pennsylvania One Call System, Inc.

    14) Pennsylvania Psychological Association

    15) Sanofi US

    16) Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority

    Number of Years as a Lobbyist

    0-5 years


    Eric C. Bugaile joined Archer Public Affairs following a distinguished 40-year career in state government, most recently serving 32 years as Executive Director (R) of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Transportation Committee. In that position, he worked with the Majority Chairman Tim Hennessey (CR-Chester) to set the Committee agenda, analyze and draft legislation on a wide range of transportation subjects, including traffic laws, highway and bridges, railroad, mass transit, pedestrian, bicycle and aviation statutes. The Committee also served as the standing committee in the House to review proposed regulations of PennDOT, the State Police and the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Most notably, the Committee played an important role in drafting Act 89 of 2013, which rearranged and provided for stable funding of PennDOT and transportation services in the Commonwealth for decades to come.

    Eric was the Republican nominee for the State House of Representatives in 1982 for the 49th Legislative District. He has worked for the Committee since 1991 and has a total 36 years' experience with the House over three periods of service, the earliest dating to 1974 when he served as a public relations assistant to the House Speaker, Ken Lee (R-Sullivan County) and the House Republican Caucus. He also served as a field coordinator for Republican Legislative Field Services in the early 1980s.

    For four years, Eric was the Assistant Director of the State's High Speed Intercity Rail Passenger Commission. In that position, he was liaison with the Legislature and state agencies and was responsible for public outreach. He has also been involved in the rails-to-trails movement as the director of a trail project for the York Area Chamber of Commerce, writing the business plan for the York County Heritage Rail Trail convincing PennDOT to turn the property over to the County. He was a founding member and first staff director of the Pennsylvania Rails-to-Trails Conservancy.

    Eric served nearly four years as Sports Information Director of what is now California University of Pennsylvania, and spent several years in the western Pennsylvania area as a news director of two radio stations, WESA in Charleroi and WASP in Brownsville, and was a producer/director at KDKA Radio in Pittsburgh.

    Eric currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Capital Area Transit. A Board Member since 2005, he was elected Chairman in 2012. The Cumberland-Dauphin-Harrisburg Transit Authority (a.k.a. Capital Area Transit, or CAT) was formed in 1973 after the dissolution of the Harrisburg Railways Company. Formed by the Cumberland County and Dauphin County Commissioners and the City of Harrisburg, CAT was designated as the public transportation provider in the greater Harrisburg area.

    Eric has won awards and citations for news coverage from the Associated Press, a national award from the NAIA, a Senate commendation for community service and was twice named by the US Jaycees as An Outstanding Man in America. He was the former Transportation Committee Staff Chair of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and a member of the task force that wrote the Public Private Partnership Toolkit for Legislators.

    Last Updated: October 31, 2024