
I have been involved in Democratic campaigns for many years and have strong unique relationships with many elected Democrats throughout New Mexico. I also have an excellent relationship with a number of key Republicans.


Former State Democratic Party Chair of Arizona


1) Advanced Air, LLC

2) Affordable Solar Group, Inc.

3) Albuquerque Metropolitan Arroyo Flood Control Auth

4) City of Gallup

5) Gallup-McKinley County School District

6) Garrett Development Corporation

7) McKinley County

8) McKinley Paper Company

9) Sacred Wind Communications

Number of Years as a Lobbyist

15-20 years


I have managed, run, consulted, polled and fund-raised for many state legislators


I have been involved in Democratic campaigns over five decades. While I grew up in New Mexico and worked in political campaigns in the 70's and 80's I moved to AZ and was elected Democratic State Chairman two terms before returning to New Mexico in 2003 to lobby.

Last Updated: June 29, 2020