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Experienced and connected, the RYP Granite Strategies team helps clients both large and small navigate the legislative process and the often complex workings of state government. The Granite Strategies team is comprised of accomplished professionals with diverse backgrounds, talents and relationships. We are known, respected and trusted within the halls of government, where our bipartisan relationships and fundamental understanding of client needs are the foundation of a commitment to positive results for each and every client.

Firm Specialties:
We offer clients a full range of advocacy and public policy services and take pride in our ability to understand the issues and shape solutions. The legislative and government services realms are often complicated and always demanding. We see the challenges as opportunities for our clients. Individualized services include:

Legislative Lobbying
Issue Advocacy
Contract Procurement
State Permitting
Local Government Advocacy
State Funding

DAVID G. COLLINS is the Director of Government Relations for Rath, Young and Pignatelli, P.C. and leads the firm's Government Relations Practice Group. Prior to RYP, David was the Director of Government Relations for Public Service Company of New Hampshire and in an earlier life, a Biologist for New Hampshire Fish & Game. A veteran lobbyist, well known and well respected, David has a wealth of front line lobbying and public affairs experience.

He has served as a trusted advisor to leaders of a wide variety of industries including electric utilities, insurance, telecommunications, oil and gas, financial service and health care companies. Among a few of his current clients, in addition to the New Hampshire Credit Union League, are Comcast, PSNH, Anthem, Dartmouth College, the American Petroleum Institute and American Express. David currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the New Hampshire Air Resources Council and on the Board of Directors of The Advocacy Group, a select group of nationally recognized public affairs professionals.

His public service has included serving as Trustee of the Manchester VNA, President of the Queen City Kiwanis, Chairman of the Bedford Conservation Commission and Director of the New Hampshire Wildlife Federation.

He is an avid golfer, a passionate fly tyer and an admittedly addicted fly fisherman. He resides in Bow with his wife Lucie and they have three grown children and two grandchildren.

  • (603) 410-4328