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ARA is unique. We represent numerous firefighters, law enforcement and labor groups, as well as fortune 500 companies, corporations and large trade associations. As a result of our diverse client base, we build relationships with Democratic and Republican lawmakers during their campaigns, long before they are elected to office.

20+ years

By any yardstick, Aaron Read and Associates is recognized as one of the premier lobbying firms in Sacramento. Whether it's based on annual billings or word of mouth referrals, ARA is at the top of the list. In addition, ARA has been listed as one of the top-ranked lobby firms in Capitol Weekly, a well-known publication, since they started their rankings 10 years ago.

Aaron Read and Associates' (ARA) services run the gamut of all types and aspects of Governmental Representation including the Administration, the Legislature and each of its committees, and regulatory agencies. In addition, ARA provides consulting on government procurement issues. Our sister company, Marketplace Communications, provides a full range of public affairs services including social media, campaigns, video and audio productions, and strategy to achieve your goals. Marketplace Communications has won numerous Pollie Awards from the American Association of Political Consultants.

Terry has worked at Aaron Read & Associates for more than two decades. Prior to joining ARA, he served as the Director of the California Fire Foundation and Consultant to the California Assembly Committee on Fire, Police and Emergency Services. In 2009, he was awarded the Director's Achievement Award on behalf of CAL FIRE. He led the successful campaign to develop the CAL FIRE brand.

Terry McHale was the press liaison for the California Assembly Committee on Police, Fire and Disaster. There, he handled crisis management in the MTBE campaign, and has expertise in public policy and strategic communications. Terry is currently an officer at Aaron Read & Associates as well as Marketplace Communications. He also serves as the editor of California Conversations Magazine. He has interviewed and written stories about such interesting Californians as Clint Eastwood, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Harrison Ford, Gary Condit, Governor Pete Wilson and Governor Gray Davis. Terence graduated from UCLA. He lives his family in Elk Grove.

ARA is unique. We represent numerous firefighters, law enforcement and labor groups, as well as fortune 500 companies, corporations and large trade associations. As a result of our diverse client base, we build relationships with Democratic and Republican lawmakers during their campaigns, long before they are elected to office.

Subjects: All Subjects

Michele has been part of the Aaron Read & Associates team since February 2016. Michele has a background in writing, administration and leadership. She works with ARA advocates and clients to research key issues, draft new legislation, and gather support and opposition for bills and initiatives. She is involved in the collaboration of stake holders on important pieces of legislation and works with our team on implementing new ideas and strategies. She works with the advocacy team tracking legislation, scheduling, correspondence and public relations.

ARA is unique. We represent numerous firefighters, law enforcement and labor groups, as well as fortune 500 companies, corporations and large trade associations. As a result of our diverse client base, we build relationships with Democratic and Republican lawmakers during their campaigns, long before they are elected to office.

11-15 years

By any yardstick, Aaron Read and Associates is recognized as one of the premier lobbying firms in Sacramento. Whether it's based on annual billings or word of mouth referrals, ARA is at the top of the list. In addition, ARA has been listed as one of the top-ranked lobby firms in Capitol Weekly, a well-known publication, since they started their rankings 10 years ago.

Aaron Read and Associates' (ARA) services run the gamut of all types and aspects of Governmental Representation including the Administration, the Legislature and each of its committees, and regulatory agencies. In addition, ARA provides consulting on government procurement issues. Our sister company, Marketplace Communications, provides a full range of public affairs services including social media, campaigns, video and audio productions, and strategy to achieve your goals. Marketplace Communications has won numerous Pollie Awards from the American Association of Political Consultants.

Jennifer Tannehill brings her decades of experience under the dome to Aaron Read & Associates. Beginning her career with an internship for then Governor Deukmejian, Jennifer served two governors and six legislators in several capacities. In addition to her experience in both houses of the legislature and the governor's office Jennifer has served candidates for office as an account manager for a prominent political fundraising team, giving her insider knowledge of Sacramento and a broad perspective of state government and politics. Jennifer has worked on several issues in her capacity as a legislative staffer. Some of these include: Business and Professions, Education and Budget. A Sacramento native, Jennifer holds a B.A. in Government from CSU Sacramento. When not working on legislative issues she enjoys time with her family, camping, road trips with her husband and walks with her rescue dog.

ARA is unique. We represent numerous firefighters, law enforcement and labor groups, as well as fortune 500 companies, corporations and large trade associations. As a result of our diverse client base, we build relationships with Democratic and Republican lawmakers during their campaigns, long before they are elected to office.