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The overriding philosophy to this government relations effort is a bi-partisan, constructive, solution- oriented approach to public policy challenges. I also work to provide timely and responsive analysis to clients and place a premium on a professional approach to all parties I work with. To achieve the most advantageous results requires the ability to take advantage of both formal and informal opportunities for interaction with identified parties.

15-20 years

Elected four times as State Representative from the 3rd Legislative District (Spokane).

Work History

2006 - present

Contract lobbyist currently retained by Anheuser Busch-In Bev Companies, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, Enterprise Holdings Inc., Graduation Alliance, MultiCare Health System, Tesla, Ticketmaster, and the Washington Health Care Association.

Past clients include the Puget Sound Regional Council, Inland Northwest Health Services, Community Health Systems, the Institute for Systems Medicine, Eastern Washington University, Associated Industries of Spokane, WA., HMS Inc., Amgen, Shire U.S. Inc., the Kalispel Tribal Economic Authority, Port Madison Enterprises, McLane Co., The Alliance for Solar Choice, Joe King and Associates, and the Energy Freedom Coalition of America.


Director of Government Relations for Eastern Washington University. Responsible for overseeing the University’s engagement with federal, state and local government entities along with various stakeholder groups within higher education and the Spokane community.


Washington State House of Representatives, State Representative from the 3rd Legislative District (Spokane). Served as the Chair of the House Finance Committee, Floor Leader, and as a member of the Appropriations Committee, Higher Education Committee, Trade and Economic Development Committee, and Children and Family Services Committee.


BA, Eastern Washington University, 1994
AA, Spokane Falls Community College, 1991



