2 EAGLE SQ, 3rd Floor, CONCORD, NH, 03301, 
Subjects: All Subjects
1) Altria,Morris,Middleton,Smokeless Tob,Helix,NJOY
2) American Council of Life Insurers
5) Entertainment Software Association
6) Granite State Home Health and Hospice Association
7) HCA Healthcare, (Portsm Reg,Parkland Med.,Frisbee)
20+ years
A New Hampshire native, Henry began his government affairs career with a small lobbying firm after graduating as a political science major from the University of New Hampshire in 1986.
He next moved to the Business & Industry Association of New Hampshire, representing the interests of its more than 400 member-businesses and staffing its highly respected environmental affairs and energy and regulated utilities committees. He transitioned back to private practice in 1999, eventually becoming a partner in Sheehan Phinney Capitol Group.
Henry is a highly respected and well-liked lobbyist with three-and-a-half decades of experience. He currently represents clients in the lodging and restaurant industry, healthcare providers, solid waste management industry, life insurers, automobile part vendors and nonprofit organizations.
Henry is chairman of the board of directors for Crotched Mountain Foundation and the Capital Regional Development Council. He is a past chairman of the board of the Concord Family YMCA.