(603) 228-3322
29 School Street, Ste 200, CONCORD, NH, 03301, 
Subjects: All Subjects
Susan Paschell has worked in the legislative arena for over thirty-five years. Before joining the Dupont Group in 2007, she was legislative specialist for the Concord NH and Augusta, Maine law offices of Gallagher Callahan and Gartrell, after having served as senior researcher for the policy committees of the NH House of Representatives. She has lobbied for numerous business and non-profit clients, including healthcare, behavioral health, social and juvenile justice, transportation, and energy interests.
Susan is a member and officer of the Board of Directors of Red River Theatres, Concord's independent arts cinema, from 2004 to the present. She was a member of the Community Colleges of NH Foundation Board from 2011 until 2016. A former teacher, she has also served on the board of directors of Merrimack Valley Day Care Centers; and she was the Town of Bow's representative to the Upper Merrimack River Local Advisory Committee for nine years. Susan is a graduate of Goddard College and Harvard University's Graduate School of Education.
(603) 228-3322
29 School Street, Ste 200, CONCORD, NH, 03301, 
Subjects: All Subjects
2) Apple Inc.
5) Bi State Primary Care Association
6) Calpine
7) Carvana
8) Ceres
9) Collective Medical Technologies
10) Community Support Network Inc.
13) Kearsarge Energy
14) New England Power Generators Association
15) New Futures
16) New Hampshire Association of Counties
17) NH Children's Behavioral Health Collaborative
18) NH Community Behavioral Health Association
19) NH Dental Hygienists Association
20) Opioid Treatment Providers Coalition
22) Secure Democracy USA and its Affiliates
23) SolutioNHealth
25) Waypoint
Jim Monahan has a strong and established public affairs practice that focuses on representing businesses, trade associations and non-profit organizations before state and national governmental agencies. This work includes an emphasis on policy development, legislative advocacy and effective communications.
Jim's professional focus includes energy, transportation and environmental issues. He does work in the healthcare field, with an emphasis on Medicaid policy. In addition, Jim oversees the Dupont Group public relations division White Birch Communications Group.
Jim was elected as Merrimack County Treasurer in the Fall of 2008 and served one term. Currently, he serves on the Concord Zoning Board of Adjustment. Jim is well known for providing news media analysis on topics of politics and public policy. Formerly, Jim was a member of the Independent System Operator (ISO) New England Board Advisory Committee, and a contributing editor to the political website Primary Diner.
(603) 228-3322
11 South Main St., Suite 202, 11 South Main St., Suite 202, Concord, NH, 03301,