
Over 20 years of experience in direct lobbying, state and local government relations & public affairs (community relations, media relations, legislative and regulatory advocacy) and related services for companies, associations and institutions in Michigan with an emphasis on providing a "positive return on investment" in my professional services

20+ years

Recognized as trusted source of reliable and accurate information upon which legislators and policy makers can rely in making decisions.

Active participation with multiple state and local trade associations

Michigan Manufacturers Association

Michigan Chamber of Commerce

Michigan Chemistry Council

Holland Area Chamber of Commerce

Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce

Muskegon Area Chamber of Commerce

State Bar of Michigan (Environmental Law Section)

Excellent relationships with executive branch, legislators and state regulatory agency heads and staff.


Undergraduate degree (magna cum laude) with double- major in Politics & Government and Economics. Law degree with experience in multiple legal issues as corporate staff attorney.


Directed regional government & public affairs program for a major paper manufacturing company with large energy and environmentally-intensive manufacturing operations in Michigan and Wisconsin. Managed national state government affairs program for leading direct selling company.

Special expertise in the management of complex and controversial environmental and energy issues.

Worked on more than $1 billion in economic development projects in Michigan.