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Former Chief of Staff to Governor Tom Wolf as well as a national political affairs manager for a "Big Five" technology company. Mike also served two full terms as a State Representative in the New Hampshire House of Representatives and as Executive Director of the New Hampshire Democratic Party.

0-5 years

Mike is Managing Director of GSL Public Strategies Group as well as GSL Government Consulting's state and local government consulting practice. He works with public and private sector clients within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and across the country to structure, maintain and further organizational partnerships and continuous improvement in the markets they serve.

Mike has an extensive background in legislative leadership. He served as Chief of Staff to the Office of Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf, working with a wide range of public and private stakeholders and advising the Governor in strategic political, policy, legislative, communications and intergovernmental affairs. He has led various multi-billion dollar budget negotiations and key legislative reforms in areas that include pensions, criminal law, health care, education, election law and school safety, among others.

As an electoral strategist, Mike's experience includes serving two full terms as a State Representative in the New Hampshire House of Representatives as well as Executive Director of the New Hampshire Democratic Party. Mike was also Executive Director of the Service Employees International United (SEIU) Pennsylvania State Council, National Campaign Director of SEIU and a national political affairs manager for a "Big Five" technology company.




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