(404) 791-6137
P.O. BOX 5804, ATLANTA, GA, 31107, 
3) Barton Child Law & Policy Center
6) Conduent Incorporated and its Affiliates
7) Elevance Health, and its Affiliates dba Anthem, Inc.
8) GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students
10) Georgia CASA
11) Georgia Equality
(706) 982-3305
P.O. Box 5804, Atlanta, GA, 31107, 
1) Barton Child Law & Policy Center
2) Children's Advocacy Centers of Georgia
6) Conduent Incorporated and its Affiliates
7) Elevance Health, and its Affiliates dba Anthem, Inc.
8) GEEARS: Georgia Early Education Alliance for Ready Students
10) Georgia Campaign for Adolescent Power & Potential
11) Georgia CASA
12) Georgia Equality