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15 years of government affairs experience in Georgia and Washington, D.C. Effective leader on transportation, health care and tax policy. Key advisor to numerous legislative and executive leaders in Georgia and D.C.

Jeff Hamling joined Cornerstone in 2017, bringing a wealth of experience and relationships in Atlanta, Georgia. Jeff came to the firm after two years as a lobbyist in Dentons' Atlanta and Washington offices where he represented a number of corporate, governmental, and non-profit clients.

Prior to Dentons, Jeff worked at the Georgia Chamber of Commerce as vice president for state and federal affairs. Jeff joined the Chamber after serving then-Congressman Tom Price for over five years. Starting as a staff assistant, Jeff was quickly promoted to deputy chief of staff, overseeing the Atlanta office and various aspects of the federal legislative staff.

Jeff has also been recognized by prestigious organizations for professional accomplishments: profiled in Capitol Impact Magazine's People on the Move, "Rookie of the Year" award voted on by his peers in the Georgia lobbying community, and James Magazine's Georgia's Political Influencers in Washington, D.C.


  • (229) 886-6562

