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Kathy Pape is a registered Pennsylvania lobbyist and practicing attorney at Saxton & Stump where she is a member of the Regulatory and Government Affairs Group. She leverages her experience gained as a CEO of the largest operating unit of a national utility to provide sound business solutions and effective advocacy for her clients. Kathy is skilled in developing solutions to the most difficult business and government issues. She helps government entities find ways to partner with businesses to address community issues while helping businesses to understand and effectively navigate the complexities of government regulations. At Saxton & Stump, Kathy works closely with former judges and Saxton attorneys to incorporate their collective knowledge to support her advocacy efforts and the firm's five-star approach to client service.

6-10 years

Her efforts won many accolades from customers, regulators and legislators. She proved instrumental in the passage of legislation that ensured water quality and quantity and water system sustainability for decades.

Specifically, she played a critical role in the passage of Act 11 and Act 12, which pertained to water and wastewater system financing; and Act 154, that defines combined sewer overflow (CSO) system assets as sewer assets and thus regulated by the public utility commission. She spearheaded American Water's strategic response to shale gas development, collaborating with shale gas drillers and municipal officials to protect the environment and enhance the local economy by extending water into rural areas using a combination of public and private funding.

Kathy was among 30 task force members from across Pennsylvania selected by Governor Tom Wolf to address the estimated $20 billion funding shortfall needed to upgrade Pennsylvania's aging water infrastructure. She has also served on the Sustainable Water Infrastructure Task Force, selected by Gov. Ed Rendell.

As CEO of Pennsylvania American Water, part of Kathy's responsibilities included building relationships and partnering with legislators, County Commissioners, municipal officials representing the water company's service area in 36 counties and 400 municipalities.

Kathy is a licensed attorney in NJ and PA and started her career at the Office of Consumer Advocate, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission and as a utility attorney at General Waterworks. She also served as corporate counsel and manager of finance for American Water and as vice president, treasurer and rate counsel for Philadelphia Suburban Water. During her tenure at Philadelphia Suburban Water, the company grew from a five-county suburban Philadelphia water company to the second largest publicly-traded U.S. water and wastewater service provider.

In 2007, she was tapped to lead American Water's largest subsidiary, Pennsylvania American Water. As the president of Pennsylvania American Water, she used her legal, financial, business and governmental experience to balance customer service, reasonable rates, infrastructure replacement and community engagement. Kathy later led American Water's mid-Atlantic region which included Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia and Maryland before she entered entering private practice.

Kathy currently serves on the board of directors for Highmark Health and has chaired the Pennsylvania Business Counsel, the Foundation for Enhancing Communities and the Pennsylvania Chapter of the National Association of Water Companies. She is also an active member of the boards of the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (Western and Central PA Chapter), the Earth Conservancy and the Hampden Township Industrial Development Authority.

Kathy is a nationally known speaker on leadership, utility finance, infrastructure and water and wastewater operations. She is also an expert witness on utility finance, tax and infrastructure issues and has testified before state and federal legislative committees.

  • 609-396-6100

  • 10 W Lafayette St 2nd FloorTrentonNJ08608

  • 609-396-6100

  • 10 W Lafayette St 2nd FloorTrentonNJ08608

  • 609-396-6100

  • 10 W Lafayette St 2nd FloorTrentonNJ08608

  • 609-396-6100

  • 10 W Lafayette St 2nd FloorTrentonNJ08608
