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Has worked on campaigns at every level of government in the state of Illinois, and brings particular expertise in the financial services industry

Served as general counsel to a state charted community bank, which managed more than $1 billion in assets

Served on the Illinois Supreme Court's foreclosure crisis commission in 2011

William ("Bill") Smith brings to Cornerstone a wealth of experience in politics and government affairs, particularly working with the financial services industry in Illinois. Prior to joining Cornerstone, he served as General Counsel to a state chartered community bank which managed more than one billion dollars in assets and operated subsidiary insurance and title insurance agencies. In that role, Bill worked at the state and national levels on legislative initiatives that affected the industry.

Bill has experience working on campaigns at every level of government in the State of Illinois including executive offices, legislative and judicial. He has served on the Legislative Division of the Community Bank Association of Illinois. In 2011, the Illinois Supreme Court selected Bill to serve on its foreclosure crisis commission to develop recommendations on legislative and procedural changes to address the impact of the foreclosure crisis throughout the state.

Based upon his significant experience and network of relationships, Bill provides his clients with a strong and experienced advocate in the state legislative and regulatory arenas. In addition to his state experience and contacts, he maintains very good working relationships with the members and staff of the Illinois congressional delegation.

Bill graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 1988 with a B.A in Government and DePaul University College of Law in 1991 where he graduated cum laude and was inducted into the Order of the Coif.

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More than 12 years of Illinois legislative political experience

Joined Cornerstone from one of the largest health systems in Illinois

Julia Larkin joined Cornerstone Government Affairs in February 2020 with more than 12 years of legislative experience in the state of Illinois. In her role as vice president, Julia uses her skills to help clients in Illinois advance their advocacy goals. Prior to joining Cornerstone, Julia served as the director of advocacy and government relations at AMITA Health, one of the largest health systems in Illinois. During her time in this role, Julia represented the organization's mission with state and local officials and executive agency staff, while also creating and executing strategies to ensure specific policy goals were met.

Previously, Julia served as legislative coordinator to Speaker of the Illinois House Michael J. Madigan for 10 years, where she assisted in the development of a wide array of policy positions and legislative initiatives. Julia has also supported the Democratic Party of Illinois, where she led state representative campaigns, managed opposition research and oversaw state representative candidate recruitment efforts.

Julia received her Bachelor of Arts with a double major in political science and international studies from Loyola University in Chicago.

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Longest serving political director to Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan and the Democratic Caucus of the Illinois House of Representatives

Involved in the strategic development and passage of most major legislative initiatives over the past 10 years

Maintained and grew House Democratic majority as political director over four campaign cycles

0-5 years

Will Cousineau joined Cornerstone's Springfield, Illinois office in June 2017. Will comes to the firm after nearly 18 years working for Illinois House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, including eight years as political director for the Speaker and the Democratic Party of Illinois.
Will was the longest serving political director for Speaker Madigan and most recently served as senior advisor to the Speaker. Over the past 10 years, Will worked directly with Speaker Madigan to shape, develop and implement the strategy and messaging for the Speaker's legislative and political agenda and the agendas of every member of the House Democratic Caucus. He also developed the implementation of political, legislative and outreach strategies for House Democratic Caucus members and all aspects of the Illinois House's political operation.

During his time with the Speaker's office, Will was involved in the major initiatives that moved through the Legislature over the past ten years, including such legislation concerning utilities, conceal and carry, financial institutions, and civil laws. Additionally, Will was intimately involved in the 2010 drawing of legislative districts, including new districts in the suburban region that have helped House Democrats expand and maintain their majority. While many democratic legislative caucuses across the country lost record numbers of seats during his tenure and every legislative chamber in the Midwest outside Illinois became Republican controlled, Will guided the Illinois House caucus and the Democratic Party of Illinois through a period of expansion and maintained a healthy majority for Illinois House Democrats.

Will's long tenure with the House, experience with message development, crisis management, grassroots organizing and input on political campaigns for offices throughout the state, gives Will an ability to understand complex legislative and political problems, easily digest those issues for members and clients and put together a collaborative and detailed action plan for moving forward.

In 2014, Will and his wife, Macy, adopted three sisters from Latvia. This experience has shaped their family, has given them the opportunity to speak with others about adoption and has encouraged their family to assist others who are adopting children both internationally and domestically. In 2016, Will and Macy's family grew with the arrival of their son.

In his spare time, Will is active in his church and serves on the Board of Elders. Will currently resides in Chatham, IL with his wife and four children.






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